Southern Belle Rescues a Possum at a Bar in Nacogdoches, Texas
A possum made an appearance at Banita Creek Hall Friday night (March 31), and no, it wasn't the ghost of George Jones.
As the bar was closing down around midnight and patrons were slowly exiting the dancehall, an individual decided the party should go on. That individual was a full-grown possum.
These marsupials are nocturnal, so what better place to hang than a bar with late hours?
Even though Banita Creek Hall is in the heart of Nacogdoches, its namesake creek runs right next to it, so it's pretty easy to deduce where the critter came from. Do keep in mind, however, that as of midnight, it did turn April 1. But, I doubt anyone was able to sneak the possum into the bar for an April Fools joke.
When they aren't playing dead as a means to ward off a threat, possums can put on a very scary face. They can flash those rows of teeth and offer a menacing hiss that will keep most folks like me away.
Thank goodness Jessica White was at Banita Creek Hall. I don't know if she has experience in handling creatures such as this, but she was undeterred, as this video from the club's Facebook Page shows.
Step aside cowboys, this lady has a job to do...and she did it with a beautiful smile and just one complaint -- take your picture in a hurry because this possum is getting heavy.
She ushered the possum out the back door of Banita Creek Hall which leads right down to the creek, which was hopefully a return home for the possum.
In their Facebook post, Banita Creek Hall writes that Jessica is due a round of drinks. You got that right, plus here's a song just for the occasion. (and check out more pics of the rescue below)