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  • Stagecoach Road in Marshall
  • Eight miles of terror
  • Narrow dirt road

Looking to take someone on a scary drive in rural East Texas this Halloween? This haunted road is the worst place in East Texas to get stranded.

Before the Civil War, this was the route that people took from Marshall to Shreveport. Once the railroad came to town around 1860, Stagecoach Road was all but deserted.

Years of driving the same road with iron stagecoach wheels left the trail lower than the surrounding trees. In some spots, the red clay dirt walls go up over 12 feet making it almost pitch black at night.

Driving In This Dark Ravine At Night Will Haunt You

Though the number of travelers on this 8-mile stretch of road might have gone down over the years, the scary stories have just kept coming.

Rumor has it that you can hear babies crying and mothers wailing if you drive there after midnight. People also claim that it was a slave trade route, and they hung people in the trees along the road.

Their souls left haunting the trail forever. There are also claims of a ghost stagecoach, men carrying coffins, a woman in a white dress, and more.

Stage Coach Road In Marshall, Texas 

The historic part of Stagecoach Road starts at the end of East Poplar Street in Marshall and takes you close to HWY 43 in Karnack. The road continues to be maintained enough for it to be passable on a nice day.

I wouldn't try it in the rain or the dark.

Most Haunted Road In East Texas

Though these photos were taken during the day, you can tell just how creepy it would be at night.

Yikes! Here are 8 of the Most Haunted Places in Texas You Can Actually Visit

Oklahoma's Infamous Haunted Grisso Mansion

While you've heard spooky tales of Oklahoma's haunted places, this Seminole, OK home might be THE most haunted place in the Sooner State.

Sporting four bedrooms, six bathrooms, a ballroom, and 11,000 square feet of living space, you too could have your own up-close experience with the woman and child ghosts that are rumored to still be wandering the villa today.

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