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  • Bugs seek water
  • Texas Hill Country
  • Scorpions love bathrooms

Even if you are a native Texan, moving to the Hill Country in Central Texas will introduce you to an entirely new section of wildlife. Sometimes they might even want to share a bath with you.

TikToker texasgrl_4everoffical is a self-proclaimed, God-fearing, Texas livin', bikini wearin', Jeep gal that had this uninvited guest in the bath recently. It just goes to show with all of the positives that come with living in Texas, like no state income tax, there are some small scary negatives.

Her small negative came in the form of a striped bark scorpion, the most widespread scorpion species in Texas according to Texas A&M Agrilife Extension. Scorpions are nocturnal arachnids, close relatives are spiders, mites, and ticks.

Scorpion Stings Are No Fun In Texas

The sting of this scorpion could be very painful, but most likely not deadly. The bug's sting creates only a moderate reaction in most people, but some are allergic and anyone stung should be watched closely.

Young children are especially vulnerable and could have a bad reaction even with low poison levels.

These scorpions don't even reach maturity until they are a year old. They are also fairly long-lived as bugs go, and can live up to four years. This species is commonly found in old logs or in your home.

It is also common for them to climb trees and walls, and get into your attic. When water is scarce they could head into your bathroom at night for a drink.

9 Bugs That You Need to Kill Immediately

Here is a list of 9 bugs that even scientists agree should be killed if you see them around your property.

9 Bugs That You Need to Kill Immediately

Here is a list of 9 bugs that even scientists agree should be killed if you see them around your property.

Top 5 Texas Cities For Allergies

These metro areas hit a 2023 list of 100 Cities that are the worst for seasonal allergies in the U.S.

Thistle Get Messy In Texas

See the comments on this hilarious TikTok video.