Tara Holley's first on-air experience was at age 3 on a jingle in Temple, Texas. Radio has been a part of her life ever since. She received a BA in Theatre and Communication in 2004 from McMurry University. Her professional journey includes theatre, Neilsen media research, advertising and marketing, creative writing and scripting, and more. However, radio has always been her first professional love. Tara writes about all things East Texas -- including fantastic food, Texas legends and lore, and lifestyle topics. She loves conversation, comedy, coffee, animals, philosophy, and the arts. Her basic life philosophy can be summed up in the words of the great Bill and Ted: “Be Excellent to Each Other.” Tara received the Mayor's ROSE (Recognition of Service and Excellence) Award in 2021 and the President's Club Award for Townsquare Media Tyler in 2021 for Contributor of the Year. She served on the Heart of Tyler Board of Directors from 2017-2022, was a 2-year Chair for the Downtown Tyler Film Festival, and served on the Tyler Civic Theatre Board for several years, as well. She is currently on the Tyler Music Friendly Advisory Board.'
Tara Holley
The Important Reason You Should Keep Orange Peels Outside Your Door Right Now
I'd also heard that we can scatter orange peels in our plants to keep pests away, but I'd never heard about this.
10 ‘Nice’ Things You Do That Fast Food Employees Actually HATE in Texas
We're not talking about things that most of us would consider quite rude behaviors at our East Texas fast food establishments, such as throwing your garbage on the floor, not trying to clean up after yourself, or not keeping your eye on your kids if they are running wild around the restaurant.
After delving into the details, I have to say that as someone who worked in fast food as a young person, including the drive-thru, some of these are SPOT ON.
Why Every Texan Should Keep Paper Towels in Their Fridge All the Time
I mean, this sounds like something one would do on accident. Well, it more certainly sounds like something I would do. I can't tell you how many times I've absent-mindedly put something in the refrigerator that didn't necessarily belong there.
The 7 Weirdest Driving Laws in the State of Texas
Granted, not all of these laws are quite that strange, but they will likely surprise some of us. There are also city-specific laws here in Texas that don't apply statewide. For example, when driving in El Paso, Texas, drivers are technically supposed to give a little honk when passing another car.
The Oldest Working DQ is Right Here in East Texas. Guess Which City?
By the way, the Dude and iconic Steak Finger Basket weren't even invented until the 1960s and they've been a huge hit ever since.
Meteorologist’s Encounter with Venomous Black Widow in Tyler, Texas
YIKES! Summer in Texas brings a warning of potential black widow sightings due to the warm weather.
Here is Why You Should Never ‘Top Off’ Your Gas Tank in Texas
Not only is 'topping off the tank' in Texas dangerous, but it can also damage delicate systems in your vehicle.
Fascinating Facts About Texas Gun Laws You Need to Know Right Now
Discover surprising facts about Texas gun laws, including regulations for foster parents owning firearms.
You are Forbidden to Eat These 15 Banned Foods in Texas
Did you know that certain foods are forbidden in Texas? Find out the reasons behind these restrictions and how they impact local eateries.
Discover How This Popular Spice Can Keep Cockroaches OUT of Your Texas Home
Discover how a simple spice like can help repel cockroaches from your home in Longview and Tyler, Texas.